Fascial Nomenclature: Update 2021, Part 2, 2021

Topics: fascia, fascintegrity, osteopathic, fascial system, fascial continuum

Authors: Bruno Bordoni, Allan R Escher, Filippo Tobbi, Bruno Ducoux, Serge Paoletti


The fascial continuum is a topic of debate, in particular, its classification into a nomenclature that researchers and medical figures can agree on. Most likely, the difficulty in finding the uniqueness of this topic lies in the fact that only some scientific figures with certain specialties write articles to state their point of view. We know, however, that a matter that involves the human body cannot be taken into consideration only by some scientific arguments, but by all the notions capable of completing a multidisciplinary and impartial vision. The fascia, too often, becomes a destination for earning and selling, to the detriment of the entire scientific community. The second part of the article on fascial nomenclature tries to obtain a new definition of what could be considered the fascial continuum, based on the most innovative information in the literature; the ultimate goal is to give free reflections on the subject in full intellectual freedom.

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