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    Thomas Findley

    MD, PhD

Thomas W. Findley is a medical doctor and a professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Rutgers University. He is a global authority on biotensegrity and the Director of the Fascia Research Group at the University of Ulm.  

Thomas Findley has conducted extensive research on fascia and manual therapies. His research focuses on integrative medicine, particularly fascia and the extracellular matrix and its role in manual therapies and potential role in rehabilitation research.

Some of the key findings of his research include:

  • The impact of manual therapy, acupuncture, and yoga-like stretching at the cellular level.
  • The fascial network of body-wide connections between and within individual cells, and sharing of loads between muscle and fascia.
  • The role of hyaluronan (HA) in the fascial system and its relationship to fascial health.
  • The increase in fluid pressure of HA as fascia is deformed during manual therapies.
  • The importance of fascia in musculoskeletal strain disorders such as low-back instability and postural strain patterns.
  • The challenges associated with researching fascial tissues and future directions that need to be taken in order to better understand this complex and vital tissue.

Overall, Dr. Findley’s research has contributed significantly to our understanding of the role of fascia in the human body and its potential applications in manual therapies and rehabilitation research.

He has authored several books on fascia and has created a variety of presentations and research papers on the subject of biotensegrity.

Sadly Dr Findley passed away in 2020.

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