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    Robert Schleip


Robert Schleip is a human biologist and psychologist with expertise in fascia research. 

Schleip is one of the leading fascia researchers worldwide and is the Director of the Fascia Research Group at the University of Ulm. He has had a long clinical and teaching career as a body therapist with Rolfing and other modalities. He has also given presentations and lectures on the subject of fascia and its role in movement, somatic dysfunction, and pain.

Robert Schleip is the author of several books on fascia, including “Fascia, The Tensional Network of the Human Body”, “Fascial Fitness: How to Be Vital, Elastic and Dynamic in Everyday Life and Sport” and “Fascia in Sport and Movement”

Schleip has contributed significantly to our understanding of the human body’s structure and function, particularly in the area of fascia research.

Articles, Summaries & Lectures with Robert Schleip

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