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    James L. Oschman


James L. Oschman has degrees in Biophysics and Biology and has both the academic credentials and the background in alternative therapies to carry out his explorations. He has made significant contributions to the field of energy medicine and has authored several books on energy medicine, including “Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis,” which explores the science of energetics and its potential for healing.

He is the President of Nature’s Own Research Association, which is dedicated to exploring the scientific basis of complementary and alternative medicine. He has also conducted research on grounding or earthing and its potential for treating chronic and autoimmune diseases.

Oschman has given lectures and presentations on the structure and properties of the quantum information field and has explored so-called anomalies in science.

He is a respected authority in the field of energy medicine and has contributed significantly to our understanding of the scientific basis of complementary and alternative medicine

Articles, Summaries & Lectures with James L. Oschman

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